Faces 1915 to 1945

  • 1. ROBERT HABERLING – *30.01.1857-10.03.1929+ Germany – founder in 1907 of today’s Haberling GmbH, international movers/relocations.  Probably planned, owned and first resident of the villa.
  • 2. WALTHER FUNK. – *18.08.1890-31.05.1960+  Business Journalist, Politician, Finance Minister, Germany – in newsreel congratulates ADOLF HITLER on surviving the 1944 assassination attempt.
  • 3. OPENING NIGHT AT THE PRESS CLUB – 10.08.1945. Stars Ingrid Bergman and Jack Benny meet Army brass.
  • 3. FRANTIŠEK CHVALKOVSKÝ. – *30.07.1885-25.02.1945+ Diplomat, Foreign Minister, Czechoslovakia at left, in newsreel seen arriving Berlin-Anhalter Bahnhof with President EMIL HÁCHA (center) on 14.03.1939 to sign the agreement establishing the German “Protektorat”.

I lived in the expropriated villa at Sven-Hedin-Strasse 11 from summer of 1970 through summer 1971.  As I typed my letters home in the elegance of the wood-paneled library I thought it fit with the folklore that Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht — one of the 20th century’s most complex figures — had lived there.  Its role in Cold War and New World Order intelligence work having ended — it is now possible to look at its entire history.  The following work is incomplete, but still contains enough surprises.  An attached PDF will provide a chronology and references for scholars.  And did Schacht really ever live there?  Did General Eisenhower stop in for a drink there?                      — rwr

Travel orders for a grim mission.

by R. W. Rynerson

On orders from Berlin, a “Fahrbefehl” (travel order for a motor vehicle) was issued in German-occupied Prague to three Czechs.  It was tightly restricted so that no subversive acts would be facilitated.  The SS-Standartenführer knew that the Führer had promised cooperation with the residual puppet Czech government, but Berlin did not have to deal with them every day!

The date was 2 March 1945.  He added the requirement that the travel directly between Prague and Theresienstadt be completed by 8:00 a.m. the next day.  The document then must be returned to his office.

The men’s mission: to bring home the body of František Chvalkovský, recently residing in Berlin at Sven-Hedin-Strasse-11.  As the Third Reich was crumbling around them, the Führer sent a floral wreath and recommended a medal in honor of the diplomat who in 1939 betrayed his country in the belief that he was saving it.