Allied Military Museum Berlin

This is the leading institution for both informal education and research about the role of the three Western allies in Berlin in the 1945-1994 period.

Alpha History

A website designed for high school history students. It includes a chronology of Cold War events, a discussion of the various points of view among Western historians, and important primary documents.

Berlin and the American Military

Released in 1999, this book by Robert P. Grathwol was published by NYU Press and the link should take you to information on it in Google Books.  Its main value is in providing a pictorial survey of Berlin’s American military history, with accompanying text.  There are minor errors in the text, and it reads as though it was written several years prior to the publication date.  However, if you are looking for a general history that would be attractive for a beginner on post-WWII Berlin and the U.S. role there, this book should be on your list.

Berlin Landmarks 1965-69

S. A. Joyce was stationed in the Army in Berlin just before I was, so his well-organized photos provide a tour of the city as it appeared when I arrived.

Berlin Wall 1961-1989

Berliner Heiko Burkhardt has assembled photographs and text, including outstanding links to more information. His site will put my brief (1969-71) era into the overall perspective.

Capital of Spies

Representing a new generation of research, journalist Sven Felix Kellerhoff and historian Bernd von Kostka have taken a fresh look at the foreign intelligence services in Cold War Berlin and the two sides of German intelligence services in the divided city. This English translation by Linden Lyons was released in 2021. If I was buying a single book on the subject, this is the one that I would recommend.

Cold War Berlin

British author Andrew Long explores familiar topics with new material uncovered with extensive research. Volume 3 includes some photos from this website’s collection and the author’s attention to fact-checking is impressive. A special priority is the use of full-color illustrations.

Cold War Spies = USMLM

A recent addition to the internet attempts to provide comprehensive coverage of its named subject. It includes information on Berlin military and civilian intelligence activities, with a description of the U.S. Military Liaison Mission.

Timetable World

This historic collection of timetables and related texts and graphics includes material on the Berlin military trains and the civilian trains which served both East and West Berlin.

U.S. Army in Germany

A brave attempt at being inclusive, this is well-organized and includes a Berlin Brigade section. This is especially useful in getting a picture of where the Brigade stood in relation to units “in the Zone” as Berlin troops referred to West Germany even after the post-WWII Occupation Zones were no more.

West-Allierte in Berlin e.V.

As the five-decade period of Allied involvement in Berlin fades away, interest by Germans has led to the creation of several museum collections and websites.  This project is intended to appeal to that interest.

Western Allies in Berlin

A German’s view of the activities and role of the three Western allied powers in post-World War II Berlin through the fall of the Berlin Wall.

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