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  1. Hello!
    Many thanks for continuing to keep your website available, I enjoyed reading it, the material you have here is a truly historic record of an unrepeatable time, now long gone.

    I have a question – your site shows a picture of the USATC Duty Car Diagrams; do you know what book this scan was taken from? I am desperately trying to find the same sort of diagrams (or layout plans) for the officer and duty cars of the British Military Train (the RCOT “Berliner”) and wondered if that book would have diagrams for the RCOT coaches as well as the USATC.

    If so could you let me know which book this is?

    Many thanks,


    1. I believe that the diagrams were sent to me in an e-mail exchange with a German assisting the predominantly British World War II Railway Study Group. I’ve only seen drawings of some of the American cars. The French car at the Berlin Allied Museum is interesting, too, as it was purpose-built so someone’s shop drawings are out there somewhere. I’ll keep my eyes open and invite others reading this to help out if they can.

      Speaking of railways I was amazed at the details that turned up regarding the Czech special train described in “Sven-Hedin-Strasse 17” – that from a Hamburg newspaper. I’m about finished with the 1915-45 history of the villa and have been tossing in things right and left to the 1945 onward account that should follow.

      Regards and thanks,

      — rwr —

  2. Hello!
    Thanks a lot for the historical materials!
    My name is Alexander,
    I served as a Soviet border guard from 1988-1990 at the Potsdam railway checkpoint, the Bravo checkpoint and the Spy Bridge.
    It’s a great time when the wall fell !!!
    It is unforgettable to see tears of joy and happiness of the reunification of East and West Germans !!!
    I’m happy to chat with you and share photos!

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